Practice Areas
<< Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Negotiate and Mediate Conflicts Ranging from Simple to Highly Complex
- Create Situation-Specific Processes to Facilitate Dialogue in Cross-Cultural and Cross-Disciplinary Settings
- Promote Relationship-Building Through Conflict Resolution
<< Energy Technology
- Negotiate Management Processes to Mitigate Impacts of Offshore Energy Exploration and Development
- Represent and Promote Energy Efficiency, Conservation, and Renewable Technologies
<< Conservation and Cooperative Management
- Promote Local Management Initiatives
- Negotiate Cooperative Management Agreements
- Build Local Knowledge and Processes into National Regulatory Frameworks
<< Human Rights
- Representation of Indigenous Communities in International Fora
- Promotion of Minority Rights Within Domestic Legal Frameworks
- Address Regulatory Threats to Food Security
<< Not For Profit
- Not-for-Profit Formation and Governance, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Policies
- Establishing IRS Tax-Exempt Status
Whether the controversy is simple or highly complex, skillful application of negotiation, mediation, and dialogue-building techniques guides parties to mutually beneficial conflict resolution.
Experience >>
- Offshore energy exploration and development, with a focus on impact mitigation and the resolution of conflicts related to competing uses.
- Lead facilitator of negotiations leading to the creation of the Arctic Open Water Season Conflict Avoidance Agreement Process.
- Principal architect and draftsperson of the Arctic Open Water Season Conflict Avoidance Agreement.
- Advocacy and strategic advice to northern communities on the federal-local cooperative management of marine mammal subsistence harvests, with a focus on wildlife conservation in the context of cultural preservation.
- Strategic implementation, for more than 30 years, of the Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission – National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Cooperative Management Agreement.
- Instrumental in the drafting and passage of the first and only federal legislation, and regulations, to provide specific protections for Alaska Native subsistence harvesting rights.
- Principal advisor to local communities, offshore oil and gas operators, and the U.S. Department of Commerce NOAA/NMFS on the creation of the Arctic Open Water Season Peer Review Process, supporting science and local-knowledge-based decision-making in arctic offshore development.
- Instrumental in negotiations leading to, and the drafting and passage of federal legislation, and accompanying regulations, requiring independent scientific and local-knowledge review of offshore development plans.
- Instrumental in negotiations leading to, and the drafting and passage of federal legislation, and accompanying regulations, requiring independent scientific and local-knowledge review of offshore development plans.
- Advisor to the United States, North Slope Borough, and Alaska Eskimo Whaling Commission on Aboriginal Subsistence harvest regulations, and principal architect of the 2018 International Whaling Commission regulatory amendments instituting the first-ever basis for the automatic renewal of Aboriginal Subsistence harvest limits.
- Advisor to indigenous members of the U.S. – Russia Polar Bear Commission
- Domestic and international natural resources issues before the U.S. Department of Commerce, Department of the Interior, the U.S. Department of State, and the U.S. Congress.
- Securing federal appropriations and grants.
- Representation on Human Rights matters, including before the human rights agencies of the United Nations.
- Original international human rights advisor to the Lubicon Lake Band of Cree Indians and draftsperson of the complaint leading to the 1990 landmark decision of the United Nations Human Rights Committee, finding the Government of Canada in violation of Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights for failure to protect the way of life and culture of Lubicon Cree.
Education >>
- Harvard Law School JD
- New York University BA Mathematics and Economics Magna Cum Laude
Awards & Honors >>
- Pi Mu Epsilon Honorary Mathematics Society
- Harvard Law Class of ’82 Fellowship in Public Interest Law
- Profiled in Harvard Law Bulletin, Summer 2012
Publications >>
- Understanding and adapting to observed changes in the Alaskan Arctic: Actionable knowledge co-production with Alaska Native communities, Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography, Volume 152, 2018, Pages 203-213, ISSN 0967-0645.
- A Pioneering Effort in the Design of Process and Law Supporting Integrated Arctic Ocean Management Environmental Law Reporter, News and Analysis 43, October 2013.
- The Energy Efficiency Project Manual, The Customer’s Handbook to Energy Efficiency Retrofits: Upgrading Equipment While Reducing Energy Consumption and Facility Operations and Maintenance Costs, for the National Association of Energy Service Companies and the U.S. Department of Energy, 1997.
- The Energy Services Industry: Revolutionizing Energy Use in the United States, for the National Association of Energy Service Companies and the U.S. Department of Energy, 1996.
- Energy Savings Performance Contract Case Studies, for the U.S. Department of Energy, 1996.
Lectures and Workshops (Samples) >>
- Challenges faced by non-state stakeholders in the Arctic as they pursue their interests among powerful state actors; the role of institutions in bridging gaps, Lecture, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, February 2011.
- Strengthening Arctic Institutions, Workshop, University of Alaska, Anchorage, March 2011.
- Science and Traditional Knowledge, Arctic Imperative Summit, Alyeska, Alaska, June 2011.
- How local residents, developers, and government can work together to ensure safe and mutually beneficial development in the Arctic, Arctic Development Summit, Anchorage, Alaska, August 2012.
- Arctic Workshop, International Whaling Commission, Portoroz, Slovenia, March 2014.
- Expert Participant, Expert Workshop on Aboriginal Subsistence Whaling, International Whaling Commission, Maniitsoq, Greenland, September 2015.
- Local experience and knowledge in Western Arctic incident planning and response, Arctic Marine Horizons Workshop, Arctic Domain Awareness Center, May 2021.
Professional Affiliations >>
- American Bar Association
- Environmental Law Institute
Bar and Court Admissions >>
- New York State Bar
- Virginia State Bar
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